Home / News / Doctor dies after falling five floors down lift shaft while trying to rescue partner

Doctor dies after falling five floors down lift shaft while trying to rescue partner

Jun 13, 2023Jun 13, 2023

A doctor and father-of-two has died after he fell down a five-floor lift shaft while attempting to rescue his wife, who was stuck between the second and third floors

A doctor has died after he plummeted down a five-floor lift shaft while trying to save his partner.

German Cipulli, a gynaecologist and father-of-two, reportedly climbed through the mechanical space at a block of flats in the city of Rosario, Argentina on June 4 after his wife became stuck in a lift between the second and third floors.

According to reports, the doctor had tried to help her "by manually opening the door on the second floor".

But following an accident - the complete details of which are not yet clear - he accidentally fell, hitting the lower basement floor seconds later.

He died instantly after sustaining severe injuries to his body and skull in the fall, according to local media. Firefighters and forensic experts were called to the scene and seized the victim's clothing for analysis.

The case is reportedly being investigated as possible manslaughter.

Tributes have poured in from friends and colleagues in the medical profession since the accident, with many speaking of his high reputation and strong work ethic.

German's uni pal Veronica Stoppani wrote: "I am and we, colleagues in medicine, are shocked by your tragic death. I remember you as a fellow doctor sharing laughter and dreams, always full of life. You had a great vocation until the very end."

The Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Rosario, where German taught, said in a statement: "His colleagues at work highlight his great commitment to the profession, teaching, and his concern for students."

Rosario Medical Association Secretary-General and obstetrician Dardo Dorato said: "There is great shock in the medical community of Rosario because German was a beloved person, beyond his professional recognition, he was also a very good guy."

He told local media: "When I heard the news, I had the task of communicating it to the medical community, and everyone was devastated and deeply saddened. It is something unnatural at this stage of life and leaves us with great anguish."

German was described in reports as a gynaecology professor, president of the Rosario Mastology Association, a member of the Rosario Obstetrics and Gynaecology Association, and part of the team at Centenario Hospital.

He leaves behind two daughters.

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